Perform necessary floor repairs in a fast paced open store renovation targeting specialty brands. This included adhesive removal, concrete grinding, concrete floor repairs, joint restoration, staining and polishing to a high gloss.
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Working closely with the owners, general contractor and concrete subcontractor to value engineer and implement the necessary repairs in a high profile building. Not only did a budget have to be met but time, noise and multiple trades had to be taken into consideration. The end result had to be a floor that met the tolerances required for an artifact restoration area.
Constitution Center
A 1.4 million square foot, ten-story former U.S. Department of Transportation building located at 7th and D streets, S.W., Washington, D.C.. We worked to value engineer and perform the necessary floor repairs to meet acceptable tolerances for the base building renovation.
7600 FULLERTON ROAD, SUITE H, SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22153 703.314.9737 703.291.0540 FAX